Hump Day |
Some bugs are actually pretty cool |
More door mats!! |
A SkyView colors fire hydrant |
Members make a world of difference in lessons and so this week we made a goal to have 5 lessons with members present. It can be hard to get sisters to come with us because this ward has so many sisters whose husbands are in medical residency programs. We called, texted, and had the Relief Society President email the whole Relief Society to get members to our lessons. An amazing thing happened! We had 5 lessons set up with 5 beautiful sisters coming out with us. Then missionary life happened, dashing our hopes and dreams. Every. Single. Lesson. Fell through. :( Yep, every one of those investigators either called and canceled or didn't show up. So this week we got 0 member presents. We are trying so hard! Keep praying for us!
One thing that will make a huge difference is a challenge the Gainesville Zone and the Jax South Zone are doing! We are working together to lead the mission! We have a goal to have 100 members invite investigators to church! So far Sister Stitt and I had one! We are so excited because members make the biggest difference! If a member invites our gator to church he or she will feel like he/she has a friend there and it is a lot less intimidating than the big, scary missionaries inviting!
In Sacrament meeting President and Sister Craig spoke about being a member missionary. The Stake President, President Graham spoke also. Their talks were so great! Sister Craig told about an experience when a woman rear ended her and this woman knew it would be ok when she saw Sister Craig's name tag had Jesus Christ's name on it. Sister Craig posed the question: "Would we act differently if we had Christ's name on our chest?" Because when we were baptized we promised to take Christ's name upon us so we should be Christ-like whether we have His name visable or not. President Craig talked about how the gospel will go to the four corners of the world with technology. I know that technology is an amazing tool we have been given to share the gospel. Is that how you use it? Well, there is an AMAZING opportunity to do just that this week! Go on Facebook and join the event "I Follow Him." On August 23rd (this Saturday!) post a photo of you holding a picture of Christ. Include the hashtag #ifollowhim with a brief testimony describing why you follow the Savior. Our mission has a goal of 250,000 invites to the event so invite your wards and your friends!!! It has also been really great while tracting! Whenever someone pulls the' "I am already Christian," card we just invite them to this event! Even if they don't want to learn more at least they had a positive experience with the missionaries.
I did the musical number that day. I played my flute the medley "Amazing Grace/As now We Take the Sacrament/I Stand All Amazed." Sister Mallory Gooch accompanied me on the piano. It went so well! We can only practice on P-Days so that was a miracle. Even my high E worked, which this flute does not play very well. A lot of people thanked me for the music and gave really nice compliments. Sister Craig said
my music is what it will sound like in Heaven and President Craig said it was amazing. I am really grateful that it went so well--music is one of my favorite ways to bear my testimony. Playing Amazing Grace in the South is going to be a memory for the rest of my life! In the arrangement Amazing Grace is flute without the piano. As soon as I started playing the chapel went silent--which is saying A LOT for the 3rd ward! Of course, a bunch of toddlers can only be quiet for about half of my song, but I was still super surprised at how quiet it was in there! That is good because I was worried I wouldn't be able to be heard. I was also a little worried I was going to pass out because our Zone held a special fast that day for the 100 member invite challenge and playing flute takes a ton of air! Besides shaking a little bit I was fine! (besides, Sister Craig could have caught since she was on the stand, right?) :)
Sunday night Sister Haynes fed us. She asked for requests for dinner and dessert so Sister Stitt requested Burritos (it's easy to make those Vegan) and I suggested the delicious pink lemonade ice cream dessert Mom makes. She emailed Mom and got the recipe! Oh my goodness! That was like a little taste of home! Heavenly!!! Haha, Sister Haynes thought it needed a good name so she dubbed it "Lemon Delight!" And it sure was a delight at that! Especially after biking!
Oh my goodness, I forgot to write about our miracle!
Last Monday our appointment fell through, but then Rita called us and told us
we could come see her. The sisters met her in a parking lot about 4
months ago but she has been really busy. We taught her the Restoration
that night and she said she will be baptized if she finds the church to be true!
She is amazing!!!
I love all y'all! Keep reading the Book of Mormon every day and be sure to join I Follow Him!
I love all y'all! Keep reading the Book of Mormon every day and be sure to join I Follow Him!